
Shindig Issue 18 On Sale Sept-Oct 2010 (Print On Demand)



The Birds cover story includes a juicy interview with Birds singer Ali McKenzie, in a feature festooned with rare pictures. We offer something equally as well rounded on The Remains, in which Barry Tashian talks about playing with The Beatles and post-Remains activities in LA with The Flying Burrito Brothers. For many that would be good enough a reason to buy the magazine, but we ve gone beyond the gauntlet with this one as we throw in delightfully lengthy pieces on 1979 mods The Purple Hearts, Swedish 60s pop royalty The Tages and an in-depth look at the Swinging Stevenage (!) flick Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush. Shorter, but no less informed articles, on Papa John s prodigies Jamme, the lovely Sandy Denny, Elektra experimentalist David Stoughton, heavy weight trippers Sainte Anthony s Fyre and even a dash of fine new music in the form of the elfin Bart Davenport and eccentrics The Smiles & Frowns. Finally, the icing on the cake has to be our brilliant 20 Questions with The Lovin Spoonfuls John B Sebastian. Phew!!!!

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